about me
about me
My name is Paul, I’m a former mathematician recycled into a computer scientist. I have been researching technologies for web-based teaching since a few years, and have been diving into web development.
I’m also the happy father of three kids (25, 22, and 18 y old).
Name: Paul Libbrecht
Cities: Saarbrücken (Germany),
Occupation: professor of computer and data science at IU International University of Applied Science, developer for web and learning technologies at CabriLog SAS and researcher in AISOP project (AI-Supported Obervation of e-Portfolios).
Favorite Quote: One never goes so far as when one doesn't know where one is going. (Columbus? Cromwell?)
Ongoing projects
•IUBH distance studies in courses such as web-development, statistical computing or algorithmics
Past Projects
Research Data in Education,
Information Literacy Online,
CBA ItemBuilder,
, ...
about me