
Rendering Content Elements

Rendering Agent at Work

A rendering agent is a processor that, on behalf of a user, for example through an HTTP request, converts content-mathematical-expressions to presentation. We call this conversion, the delivery of the rendering agent. Typically, the delivery is happening within a user-interaction which lives within a context: information about this context can be multiple, it includes the preferred languages of the user, the preferred notational styles of the user or of the surrounding content. A rendering agent should be able to process arbitrary content expressions and should be able to do so even dynamically, encountering a fully new csymbol element, or being instructed to render a complex expression in a different way.

For this purpose, MathML-3 introduces four??? elements which allow to associate content-expressions (the prototype) to presentation-expressions (the rendering) together defining a mathematical notation. The notations are packaged in exchangeable files and can be dynamically discovered and incorporated.

A notation’s prototype is an arbitrary content-MathML expression, which is said to match a content-MathML-expression if values can be assigned to the variables of the prototype so that, when replaced with these values, the prototype becomes equal to the expression. Within a notation, variables of the prototype that are not used in the rendering should be matched explicitly, with a variable of the same name. Below, we shall extend once more this definition of matching when explaining about support for arbitrary number of arguments.

Context Information and Inheritance

Information about a context that should discriminate the choice of a notation is encoded in context elements which encode the following suggested attributes:

style-class is a space separated list of style class-names
xml:langencodes a language for which this notation applies
formatencodes the mime-type of a target rendering
deliveryPathencodes part of the URL under which the current expression is being rendered

A context element may inherit from a parent context by simply accepting the attribute values of its parent for the attributes it does not have.

A context element is said to match for a rendering process if all of the attributes above are considered valid by the agent, i.e. if the language is deemed understandable by the user, if the format is supported, if the deliveryPath is a substring of the current delivery’s address (if defined) or if a name within the style attributed is encoded as part of the current rendering styles (e.g. using class attributes in a parent element of the expression to be rendered).

Notation Elements and Processing

Notations are bundled in XML documents under notation-document element.

cdbase a URI specifying the base-URI on top of which all `symbol` references will be written

Notations are grouped within a notations element which groups a set of notation and is assigned a target, that is, the URI of a symbol that all notations mainly address.

The elements notations may contain one or more prototypes, in which case all notation elements contained there are alternate renderings of this prototype. If the notations element does not contain a prototype, its children notation elements should each have at least one. The notation-document, notations, and notation elements all accept a context child as defined above.

Conforming rendering-agents use a series of notation-documents to render arbitrary content-MathML-expressions within a given rendering context as follows:

A simple example is provided below, it describes the notations for the open real interval in English and other languages:

   <notations target="basic_content_elements#interval-oo">
            <csymbol uri="basic_content_elements#interval-oo"/>
          <context xml:lang="en"/>

Supposing a renderer would be working in an environment in French, had to render the following expression:

       <interval type="open"/>

It would be first converting this expression to canonical MathML, replacing, interval, plus, and minus, to the corresponding csymbol elements. Then it would choose the second notation above, since the english-language context does not match, would output:


then would replace the * with the rendering of aε and aε. Using the notation elements provided in ??, it could render, finally:


Precedence Rules and Bracket Output

In the process described above, no brackets have been necessary to disambiguate the expression. There are many cases, however, where brackets really appear to be needed in a presented formula and such a decision depends, not only, on the notation of an operation but on the relation between this notation and its child arguments.

MathML-3 adds precedence attributes to the notation elements (the parent precedence and to the mi elements (the child precedence), both of which are expected to be numbers between 0 and 1000. This allows rendering agents, rendering using a notation and starting to render a child term, represented by an mi element, to decide on fencing the term output if the two following conditions hold:

Terms that are not applications, for example ci or csymbol elements never require a bracket, and as such can be considered to have the highest precedence, 1000. mi elements that have no precedence element within a notation attribute

For example, the following notation element could be used for the factorial (algebra-logic#factorial) operation:

 <notation target="algebra-logic#factorial" precedence="500">
          <csymbol uri="algebra-logic#factorial"/>
       <mrow><mi precedence="500">x</mi><mo>!</mo></mrow>



would thus yield the application of the above notation composed with the application of the plus notation, of precedence 50, thus should output a bracket. But rendering:


would apply the notation above but would not need to output a bracket to output the rendering of the x variable.

Support for Functions with Arbitrary Number of Arguments

Many operations take an arbitrary number of arguments. A special matching symbol is introduced as well as a special presentation element to iterate over such ranges.

The nary symbol, of the content-dictionary ntn is used with an application to match any number of elements where the apply element appears. It accepts an arbitrary number of arguments: if only one argument is provided, it should be a variable, a ci element, the name of the nary-matcher; if several arguments, are provided, they should all be applications of the nary-alt symbol to arbitrary expressions.

Variable-names within a notation element are expected to be distinct for each nary symbol application.

The nary symbol is best used in conjunction with the nary presentation element. The latter accepts two children, the first is a rendering of the argument and the second is a separator, a node that is copied between each of the multiple occurrences.

Rendering agents are expected to process nary presentation elements by finding the corresponding nary symbol application, i.e. that with the same variable name, and iterating over the matching terms, rendering them, interleaved with the separator.

A complex example is the plus symbol which, in many occidental languages, could have the following notation:

    <notation precedence="100">
            <csymbol uri="ntn#nary"/>

This method can be combined with extension matchers, for example matching single positive real-numbers in order to provide such notations as the rendering of a polynomial where the ⋅ operator is not visible between the coefficient and the monomial. Such extensions are out of scope of this specification, thus far.