how to contact me
how to contact me
There are zillions of possibilities:
-per Email:
-per phone +49 179 708 27 25 (stable mobile)
or +33 6 68 29 03 45 (not very stable)
-per Skype (paul_libbrecht), or through diverse ways after you send me a link.
I now regularly use PGP/MIME to sign my messages. Moreover, you can send me an encrypted mail using this standard and the keys below.
I employ, thus far, two private keys:
1the key for with Fingerprint C6F8 EC89 52C5 8E21 71DD B05E 9423 87E4 A1CB 67B1 and this public key.
2the key for with Fingerprint 5D78 59D2 0E9A F86D 43A4 7600 FED5 7664 3970 EB45 and this public key.